Available Resources

The ICEI project is currently able to provide researchers with access to resources as listed in the table below:







Total Resources offered Unit
Cloud Services
Cluster OpenStack*
CEA (FR) 1 VM 320 vCPUs (no vGPUs) with a total of 640 GB RAM


JSC Cloud JSC (DE) 1 VM 1000 vCPUs, 2500 GB Memory vCPUs, Memory
Archival data repositories
Object Store S3* CEA (FR) 1 VM 500 ** TB


* Guaranteed until end of 2024 – renewal of resources to be confirmed
** Not possible to access the S3 storage from the OpenStack cluster, but the storage can be used for back-up using the ICEI FTS service

Fenix Virtual Machine Services Models


For detailed information on the Fenix Virtual Machine Services (VM) Models, download the document in PDF. This file offers a description of the Fenix VM Models that may be useful for potential applicants.



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Fenix has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme through the ICEI project under the grant agreement No. 800858.