ISC High Performance 2021 Digital

29 Jun 2021
Place: Online

Fenix is present for another year at the ISC High Performance 2021 Digital, which takes place online from 24 June to 2 July 2021, with the following activities:

- Javier Bartolome from BSC talks about Fenix at the PRACE Virtual booth on Tuesday 29 June at 14:30-14:45. It is a 10 min presentation of the Fenix sites, services, and ways to access the e-infrastructure, followed by a 5 min Q&A slot. Register to this session here.

- Sadaf Alam from CSCS-ETHZ is one of the organising committee members of the ISC'21 SuperCompCloud: "4th Workshop on Interoperability of Supercomputing and Cloud Technologies", which is held virtually on Friday 2 July at 14:00-18:00 CEST. Within the same workshop, Sadaf Alam is also one of the panelists at the panel "A 5 Years' Retrospective on Convergence of HPC and Cloud Technologies for Scientific Computing" at 17:00-18:00, in which she talks about the contribution of Fenix in the HPC ecosystem. Register to this workshop here.

- Sadaf Alam also gives an invited talk during ISC 2021 under the title "Supercomputing Infrastructure as Code to Enable Exascale Workflows" on Wednesday 30 June at 14:40-15:00 CEST. In this talk, Sadaf Alam explains how supercomputing Infrastructure as code (IaC) offers a potential for secure and flexible mapping of diverse scientific workflows by enabling programmability of high-performance computing, networking and storage systems. A live Q&A follows at 15:00-15:15 CEST.

- Finally, Sadaf Alam is one of the speakers at the Birds of a Feather roundtable "Cloud Infrastructure solutions to run HPC workloads" on Thursday 1 July at 14:35-15:10 CEST. Register to this session here.

Registration details, including price fees and benefits, can be found here. Make sure you join us!

About the event

The ISC 2021 Digital is the inaugural event that focuses on bringing the most critical developments and trends in high performance computing, machine learning and data analytics for the benefit of the global HPC community. As one of the largest online HPC events this year, registration numbers are expected to be high. It is free of registration fees and all talks are exclusively available for registered participants.


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Fenix has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme through the ICEI project under the grant agreement No. 800858.