26 Mar 2019
Place: Asheville, North Carolina, USA
SOS is an invitation-only series of highly interactive workshops on Distributed Supercomputing organised by Sandia National Laboratories, Oak Ridge National Laboratories and the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre. The 23rd annual workshop takes place in Asheville, North Carolina, USA, on 26-29 March, and provides an opportunity to develop the theme "Exascale and Beyond". The participants discuss the following topics:
- Near Horizon Platforms (through 2021)
- Application Impacts of Mixed and Low Precision Floating-Point
- MPI - What is its role going forward?
- Data Management (Exascaling and Federation)
- Do we really need resilience?
- Cloud Technologies in HPC ecosystem: A necessity or a distraction
- Multi-ExaOp Platforms (beyond 2021)
Dirk Pleiter from the Juelich Research Centre presented ICEI/Fenix and the Human Brain Project (HBP) at the Session IV: Exascaling and Federation: Using Brain Research as Science Driver. More information about the event can be found here: https://sos23.ornl.gov/.