Fenix participates in the Human Brain Project (HBP) CodeJam #11, a 3-day hands-on event on the HBP technology, held online on 24-26 November 2020. Fenix's contribution includes Developer Onboarding sessions and Scalable Compute tutorials.
During these hands on sessions the instructors delve into existing documentation for ICEI/Fenix resources available to EBRAINS residing at various places (CSCS documentation pages, JSC documentation pages, Collabs, ICEI/Fenix Webinars, etc.) and assemble a unified (quick and dirty) documentation guide for the different infrastructures/platforms.
See the full programme here.
About the event
HBP CodeJams are developer community focused events, originally rooted in the neuralensemble.org community. You can check out specific HBP technology, platforms and tools, many of them already integrated on the open source Research Infrastructure EBRAINS. The events are supported by HBP mentors and led by HBP experts who guide you through the projects and exercises, answer your questions, and share relevant insights and tips.