The Fenix webinar series has kicked-off

22 Oct 2019

The first Fenix webinar marked the beginning of the Fenix webinar series that aim to inform the audience in what the ICEI services and Fenix infrastructure has to offer to users. The free-of-charge webinar, titled “HPC and Cloud Infrastructure for Neuroscientists”, took place online on 8 October 2019, and attracted around 35 attendees from Europe. The participants came from various research institutions and professional and academic backgrounds, from developers and researchers to data analysts and systems architects.

The audience had the opportunity to learn from the speakers Dirk Pleiter and Thorsten Hater (Jülich Supercomputing Centre) about the following:

  • An overview of ICEI/Fenix
  • Information on services and available resources of the Fenix infrastructure
  • Details on how to get access
  • Details on how to use the data repositories that are available in ICEI

In addition, an interactive Q&A time at the end of the webinar allowed for any questions and further explanations.

Dirk Pleiter, ICEI project coordinator and speaker of the webinar, mentioned that “the first Fenix webinar was ideal for any participants that wished to have an introduction to the Fenix infrastructure as well as specific uses of the ICEI services. The presentations run smoothly and the Q&A time helped to clarify any points. We look forward to the upcoming Fenix webinars, which are designed to deepen the audience’s knowledge of the available services, show particular examples of projects using the Fenix infrastructure, explain the application process, and more”, he added.

The full recording of the webinar is now available on the Fenix webinars page and the Human Brain Project YouTube channel.

At the same time, interested participants can register for the second free Fenix webinar that is held on Tuesday 10 December at 15:00 CET. The webinar is titled “How to exploit ICEI scalable computing services” and is presented by Sadaf Alam from the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS). Its goal is to introduce participants to the Fenix Scalable Computing Services (SCC) and provide details on the ICEI infrastructure for SCC at the CSCS. Read the full agenda and register at:

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Fenix has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme through the ICEI project under the grant agreement No. 800858.