Introducing the Fenix User Forum

18 May 2020

The ICEI project is happy to announce the Fenix User Forum, a communication platform for Fenix users.

The forum aims to facilitate interactions between the ICEI/Fenix team and users of the infrastructure as well as among users themselves. It offers an environment for users to discuss and share their experiences, express their needs, and provide feedback on the current services and resources of the Fenix infrastructure.

It also allows members to have access to user-specific files and keep up to date with Fenix developments, user meetings and events.

The different features that are available to members within the forum include:

- Make posts, initiate or join discussions, and ask questions to Fenix members and users

- Check for upcoming Fenix user meetings and events in the calendar

- Access and download documents dedicated to Fenix users from the Fenix files collection

- Chat privately with Fenix members and users

Join the forum today by completing this simple form at: Once the form is submitted, you will receive an email invitation through Basecamp to join the platform.

In case of questions regarding the Fenix User Forum or your membership, do not hesitate to contact us at:

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Fenix has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme through the ICEI project under the grant agreement No. 800858.