The PRACE-ICEI Call for Proposals #7 is now out, offering resources from the Fenix Research Infrastructure. These calls are for researchers from academia and research institutes in need of scalable computing resources, interactive computing services, Virtual Machine services and data storage to carry on their research.
The submission deadline for this round is 29 October 2021. Full details on the calls can be found at: https://prace-ri.eu/hpc-access/collaborative-calls/prace-icei-calls-for-proposals-call-7/
Submission dates
- Call #7: 23 September 2021 - 29 October 2021Allocation from 1 January 2022
The allocations are limited to 12 months.
Who can Apply
The PRACE ICEI program is open to all researchers and research organisations needing resource allocations regardless of funding sources.
You are eligible to apply for the call for proposals only if you need:
- Scalable computing services
- Interactive computing services
- Virtual Machine services
- Archival data repository
- Active data repository
The minimum request depends on the system of interest as reported in the table of available resources here.
With respect to the maximum request, applicants are encouraged not to exceed 20% of the available resources.
Applicants may apply for the present resources in addition to resources offered on Tier-0 systems (PRACE Project Access) or on Tier-1 systems that mainly target large scalable computing services. Applicants are hence strongly encouraged to apply for multiple services offered by the present call (scalable, interactive computing, and data) and make their case for the need of these complementary services.
Available Resources
The full list of resources can be found at: https://prace-ri.eu/hpc-access/collaborative-calls/prace-icei-calls-for-proposals-call-7/#AvailableResources.
PRACE ICEI Proposal Requirements
- Short description of the scientific goals and objectives including progress beyond state of the art and scientific impact
- Type of resources required, i.e. scalable computing resource, interactive computing resources, VM services, archival and active data repositories
- Resources requests based on limits defined above (including information on scalability for scalable compute resources requests)
- Description of the software and services needed to successfully complete the project
- Description of the research methods (including a project workplan), algorithms, and code parallelization approach (including memory requirements)
- Information on Data Management
- Description of special needs (if any)
Reviewing Process
A Review Panel established by PRACE composed by up to 8/10 well-known scientists (they can be different for each calls) shall discuss the scientific merit of the proposals with the support of a technical team and decides which proposal should be granted based on the criteria listed below.
Review Criteria
Soundness of the Methodology and tools: Does the request describe appropriate tools, methods and approaches for addressing the research objectives?
Appropriateness Research Plan: Is the research plan appropriate to achieve the scientific goals described in the proposal? Has the applicant properly estimated the resources?
Appropriateness of the Project Timeline: Has the applicant estimated the right number of simulations to achieve the goals in the given time?
Significance of the Proposed Research: Is the proposed work supported by a grant or grants that have undergone review for intellectual merit and/or broader impact. What is the scientific impact?
Proposals explicitly requesting multiple services (scalable, interactive, storage) will be favoured.
Technical assessment: Software availability on the requested resource. The codes necessary for the project must already be available on the system requested, or in case of codes developed by the applicants, they must have been sufficiently tested for efficiency, scalability (if applicable), and suitability. Feasibility of the requested resource. The requested system(s) must be suitable for the proposed project.
How to Submit
To submit proposals, fill the application form available here and send it by email to icei-calls@prace-ri.eu.
The Peer Review team will send you confirmation within a couple of days on the receipt of the application, if you do not hear back from us please write an email to check if the proposal has been received successfully.
For technical questions or support before the application submission, you can contact the ICEI team at icei-coord@fz-juelich.de.